

B.A. Boston University
3 years experience


Austin graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a major in Political Science and minor in French Studies. While at Boston University, Austin was involved in the French club and volunteered at the writing center to edit his peers’ essays. Austin spent a year studying at the Institut d’Études Politiques in Paris, where he gained first-hand experience in different teaching and learning styles.

As a high school student, Austin was a National Merit Scholar and an AP Scholar with Distinction. Austin achieved scores of 5 on nine AP exams and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT.

Austin began his formal work as a tutor in 2021, but he likes to say that he has been an informal tutor to his four younger siblings throughout his life. In his formal tutoring work, Austin has helped dozens of students raise their test scores in each test area. He has helped a student raise their math score from a 22 to a 34, helped four students receive perfect ACT English scores, helped six receive perfect Reading scores, and helped three achieve perfect SAT verbal scores.

Austin believes in an open and honest communication method with his students and their families so that students can reach their full potential. With this in mind, he likes to be approachable and use humor and empathy to meet students where they are and try to really get to know them as people. Austin tailors his delivery to each student and allows them space to be equal partners in their learning. Utilizing this approach, Austin has seen his students achieve consistent score growth of more than 50% of available points and has had students accepted into Harvard, Columbia, NYU, Brown, Northwestern, Stanford, and the University of Chicago, among other schools.

When Austin is not tutoring, he can be found practicing languages, watching television, or planning his next travel journey.

Noteworthy Accomplishments

  • Two of Austin’s students have received perfect 36s on the ACT.
  • As a high school student, Austin had perfect scores on three of the four sections of the ACT.

Fun Facts

  • Austin has visited 25 countries.
  • Austin loves sports. His favorite sports are soccer and Formula 1.

Areas of Expertise

  • ACT
  • English Literature
  • Government
  • Human Geography
  • Political Science