New York


B.A. Columbia University
21 years experience


In his two decades of teaching and tutoring experience, Nick has helped hundreds of students achieve their goals and get into their target schools. Nick grew up in New York City and went to Hunter College High School, a public magnet school on the city’s Upper East Side. He scored 1500 on the SAT and 800 on the SAT Literature Subject Test. As a junior, Nick also received honorable mention in the City College Spring Poetry Festival (one of 10 from over 3,000 entrants).

After graduating with degrees in English and Economics from Columbia University, Nick earned a teaching certificate and moved to Barcelona to teach English. He subsequently fell in love with both teaching and traveling, and since 2003, he has taught all over the world, usually spending winters in Berlin and summers in Barcelona. Nick has tutored over 400 students one on one, many of whom have been admitted to the top graduate and undergraduate programs in the US and Europe. His students routinely improve by over 20 percentile points, and his most successful student improved his GMAT score by 300 points.

Nick’s teaching style is characterized by his patience, empathy, and humor. He knows how to make clear even the most obscure concept, and he excels at instilling confidence in his students. The most common comment he hears from his students is, “I wish you had been my math teacher in school.”

Noteworthy Accomplishments

  • Nick has scored in the 99th percentile of every standardized test he’s taken.
  • As a senior in high school, Nick was published in American Poet (the journal of the Academy of American Poets).

Fun Facts

  • Nick loves to play basketball and can still make 9 out of 10 free throws. He hasn’t dunked since 2004, however.
  • Nick loves listening to lectures on tape, especially about history. As a result, he’s usually annoyed when people talk to him as he’s doing the dishes, since he’s probably deeply engrossed in a lecture about the Roman Empire or the French Revolution.

Areas of Expertise

  • ACT
  • GMAT
  • GRE