

B.S. University of Texas
10 years experience


In high school, Owen earned credit for 5 AP exams from subjects covering humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics. In addition, he achieved perfect verbal SAT scores and a 2340/2400 overall. Owen subsequently attended the University of Texas on a full scholarship for Academic Excellence. He has extensive experience teaching and developing curriculum for SAT and ACT as well as for academic subjects in general. For the past year and a half, Owen has worked for a company specializing in citizen participation projects at the local, national, and international levels, focusing on topics of mobility, regional development, demographic change, and sustainability.

Thanks to his diverse academic and professional background, Owen prides himself on having cultivated a deeply engaging and multidisciplinary approach to teaching. When he isn’t teaching, Owen has a love for traveling and especially for living in new and challenging places. He spent a year backpacking through South America and now lives in Berlin. It’s his goal to blend his personal and professional experiences into a teaching style that is both exciting for his students and enhances their ability to succeed!

Noteworthy Accomplishments

  • Owen received a perfect score on the SAT Reading and Writing sections.
  • He is the recipient of his school’s Academic Excellence Award.

Fun Facts

  • Owen has lived in four continents.
  • He speaks Spanish and currently resides in Berlin.

Areas of Expertise

  • ACT