

B.A. Seattle University
3 years experience


Ruth is an enthusiastic and engaged educator from the heart of Seattle, WA. She completed her degree in Biology, with a minor in Chemistry, just across the West Seattle Bridge at Seattle University. There, she was awarded a full ride as a Sullivan Scholar for her academic success, community involvement, leadership values, global engagement, and spiritual connection during her high school years.

Ruth continued to excel in these areas as she took many leadership positions across the university, most notably as a Teaching Assistant for Anatomy and Physiology and Organic Chemistry. In that role, she cultivated close relationships with her students as she helped them gain confidence in their lab skills and understanding of complex topics, using her evenings as office hours in between study breaks. She used her ability to individualize her lesson plans to create a learning environment unique to each student’s needs, leading to improved test scores and knowledge in the laboratory. Ruth also has experience providing homework support to students in grades K-12.

In her free time, Ruth loves to discover new music from around the world, oil paint in her art room, and attempt a new recipe from New York Times Cooking.

Noteworthy Accomplishments

  • Multiple art exhibits across Seattle University and the city of Seattle have showcased Ruth’s work of Habesha Art.
  • As the Black Student Union President in her last year at Seattle University, Ruth coordinated the first student-led endowed scholarship in the history of Seattle University, begun by her predecessors.

Fun Facts

  • Ruth’s favorite food is a Chipotle bowl.
  • Ruth’s parents won a lottery to move to the United States.

Areas of Expertise

  • ACT
  • Biology
  • Math